Membership Benefits

WHMN offers ministry-related benefits to its members, including:

  • connection with fellow ministers
  • periodic conferences
  • prayer support
  • encouragement
  • networking
  • ministry development
  • ministry counseling from seasoned ministers
  • membership card
  • accountability
  • member pages
  • member forums
  • newsletters
  • reference resources
  • church promotion

Credentials Offered

Ministerial credentials offered as stated in the WHMN Handbook (please consult Handbook for further details before applying):

Christian Worker License – Those persons who have been approved as having met the qualifications in Section III, paragraph A of WHMN Handbook. This license is jointly issued through the applicant’s local church.

Licensing – Those persons who have been approved as having met the qualifications in Section III, paragraph B of WHMN Handbook.

Ordination – Those persons who have been approved as having met the qualifications in Section III, paragraph C of WHMN Handbook and who have been licensed with WHMN for at least one year.

Licensing and Ordination are granted through Christian Center Church. In order for credentials to be transferred from another organization, they must be approved by the WHMN Advisory Board.

Membership in World Harvest Ministers Network is available for those ministers who wish to solely retain a license or ordination credentials through another ministerial association, but desire the fellowship, vision, resources, and benefits afforded through WHMN.

Application Process

1. You can apply three ways: type directly into the pdf and email the completed form to, complete a hardcopy of the form and mail it to the WHMN offices, or fill in the form online and submit. (Follow the link at bottom of this page to access applications).

2. Answer each question listed on the application form in full and pay the $30.00 application fee.

3. Submit a recent photo. Photo should be a clear image of your face from the shoulders up.

4. Reference providers must complete and send the reference forms to the WHMN offices.

5. We will inform you by phone or email whether or not your application has been approved, usually within 30 days from the reception of the application and reference forms.

6. If the application is approved, your certificate and membership card will be generated and sent to you upon payment of the $80.00 membership fee. After you have been notified of the decision, you can pay by sending a check to our offices, call with your credit card information, or pay online by clicking the button below.