The Essence of Leadership

Leadership is not as complex as we have made it out to be. Many have mistaken leadership as some intangible position that we will never be able to reach because it is reserved only for the very talented and gifted few. Others feel that their background has in some way disqualified them from leadership because they were not raised in the right environment or have done something in their life that has forever disqualified them. Still others equate leadership with their title or office within a ministry or organization. It is time to rethink your definition of leadership

You can lead from whatever position you hold within a given organization. It all comes down to the level of influence you are willing to have on the people around you. When you can positively influence people in a certain direction…you have become a leader. So what does that mean? That means you need to work on yourself harder than you do anything else. Your daily goal should be to become the absolute best version of yourself that you can possibly be. Here is why: When you become better… your ability to lead becomes better.

The essence of leadership is not how many followers you have in your organization or on Instagram. It is not how much money you make or the title you carry. The essence of leadership is about leading yourself in such a way that your life becomes one that is worth following.

So … what are you willing to do this week to improve yourself and become a stronger person? What book will you pick up and read that will improve your ability to lead? Choose something you are going to work on this week that will make you a leader worth following. When you become better – your ability to lead become better!